
Manual vs. AI: Striking the Right Balance in ISO 27001 Policy Drafting

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Manual vs. AI in Policy Drafting: A Quest for Perfection

The art and science of policy drafting have evolved dramatically with the advent of technology. As AI-powered tools rise to the forefront, a central debate emerges: Can they truly outpace traditional manual methods in minimizing errors? Let’s dive deep into this discussion.

The Human Touch: Strengths and Shortcomings


  • Nuanced Understanding: Humans possess an innate ability to understand context, company culture, and nuanced situations which can be vital in drafting policies that reflect an organization’s ethos.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Policies aren’t just about rules; they’re about people. Manual drafting can incorporate empathy and emotional nuances that resonate with employees.


  • Inconsistencies: Humans are prone to inconsistencies. They might interpret standards differently at different times or overlook crucial elements.
  • Time-Consuming: Drafting policies manually is a time-intensive process, often requiring multiple revisions to refine and perfect.
  • Potential Oversights: Even the most diligent professionals can miss out on certain aspects or fail to keep up with the latest standards and regulations.

AI-Powered Policy Drafting: The New Kid on the Block


  • Consistency: AI ensures uniformity across all policies, sticking to a defined set of rules and guidelines.
  • Speed: With AI, draft policies can be generated swiftly, saving significant amounts of time.
  • Up-to-date: AI tools, especially those like the ISMS Policy Generator, are often updated with the latest standards, ensuring policies remain compliant.


  • Lack of Emotional Nuance: While AI can be programmed to mimic human-like language patterns, it might lack the emotional intelligence that resonates with human readers.
  • Over-Reliance: Sole dependence on AI might result in missing out on unique organizational nuances or specific needs.

Striking the Right Balance: The Hybrid Approach

The optimal approach might not be an “either-or” but rather a combination of both worlds. Starting with an AI-powered tool, like the ISMS Policy Generator, provides a robust foundation. It ensures compliance, speed, and accuracy right out of the gate.

However, a subsequent human review is invaluable. This review ensures that the generated policy resonates with the organization’s unique character, addresses specific needs, and is presented in a manner that will be understood and embraced by its members.

In Conclusion: Embracing the Best of Both Worlds

In the quest for perfection in policy drafting, neither manual nor AI methods should be viewed in isolation. By leveraging AI for its speed, consistency, and compliance capabilities, and then refining with a manual touch for nuance and specificity, organizations can achieve a policy framework that is both robust and resonant.

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