ISMS Policy Generator Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Introduction #

At ISMS Policy Generator, we recognize the critical role that robust cybersecurity plays in the protection and reliability of our products and services. In our continuous effort to strengthen our defenses, we value and encourage the responsible reporting of any potential security vulnerabilities discovered by external researchers, industry professionals, or users.

Purpose #

This policy aims to provide clear guidelines for the responsible reporting of security vulnerabilities and to outline our commitment to working collaboratively with the cybersecurity community while ensuring the safety and security of our users.

Responsible Disclosure Guidelines #

To ensure effective and secure handling of vulnerability reports, we request adherence to the following guidelines:

  1. Confidential Reporting: Report potential vulnerabilities confidentially to us. Please send your findings to this form.
  2. Avoid Public Disclosure: Do not disclose the vulnerability to the public or third parties before a resolution is in place.
  3. No Unauthorized Access: Refrain from accessing, modifying, or interacting with data that does not belong to you. Limit your research to your own accounts or explicitly provided test accounts.
  4. Legal Compliance: Ensure all your activities are legal and ethical. Do not engage in actions that could cause harm, such as denial of service attacks or data destruction.

Reporting a Potential Security Vulnerability #

If you discover a potential vulnerability in our systems, please provide the following information to facilitate an effective response:

  • Description of the vulnerability and its potential impact.
  • Affected product or service and its version.
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
  • Your contact information for follow-up.

Handling of Reports #

Upon receiving a report, ISMS Policy Generator will:

  1. Acknowledge Receipt: Confirm receipt of your report within a reasonable timeframe.
  2. Evaluate and Investigate: Assess and investigate the reported vulnerability to understand its impact and scope.
  3. Resolution and Updates: Work diligently to resolve the issue and provide updates on the progress.
  4. Public Acknowledgment: With your consent, we may acknowledge your contribution in our release notes or other public disclosures once the vulnerability is resolved.

Our operations are based in France, and we adhere to European cybersecurity laws and standards. We respect international cybersecurity practices, considering our global user base. We regard actions in compliance with this policy as authorized under ethical hacking principles and will support reporters in the event of any legal inquiries arising from their disclosures.

Commitment to Security #

ISMS Policy Generator is committed to the ongoing improvement of our cybersecurity posture. We appreciate your support and contributions to making our digital environment safer for everyone.

What are your feelings
Updated on 8 January 2024