Generating your Business Continuity Policy

Introduction: Building Resilience through Business Continuity Planning #

Disruptions happen. Whether it’s a power outage, a cyberattack, or a natural disaster, unexpected events can cripple your operations and put your business at risk. A robust Business Continuity Policy (BCP) is your organization’s first line of defense, ensuring you can respond effectively, minimize downtime, and recover quickly from such disruptions. This policy serves as the foundation for your Business Continuity Management (BCM) System, outlining your commitment to resilience and providing a clear roadmap for navigating challenges.

Developing a BCP is not a one-time exercise. It’s an ongoing process that requires active participation from all levels of your organization. This guide will walk you through the key questions you need to consider when defining your BCP, helping you tailor it to your specific needs and ensure its effectiveness in the face of any disruption.

Remember, a well-defined BCP isn’t just about reacting to emergencies; it’s about proactive planning and preparedness. By investing time and effort in crafting a comprehensive policy, you’re safeguarding your business continuity, minimizing financial losses, and protecting your reputation – all crucial factors for long-term success.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the first question!

Who Needs This Policy? Identifying Applicable Departments and Teams #

This question asks you to define the scope of your Business Continuity Policy (BCP). In other words, who needs to be aware of and follow this policy in your organization? While all departments play a role in ensuring business continuity, some will be more directly involved in response and recovery efforts.

Here are some key factors to consider when identifying applicable departments and teams:

  • Critical Functions: Identify the essential functions and processes that keep your business running. Which departments are responsible for these critical functions? Are there any interdependencies between departments during disruptions?
  • Impact Analysis: Assess the potential impact of disruptions on different departments. Consider factors like data sensitivity, customer reliance, and revenue generation. Departments with higher impact may require more specific BCP provisions.
  • Resource Availability: Consider the resources (e.g., personnel, equipment, facilities) available in different departments. Some departments may require additional support or alternative solutions during disruptions.
  • Regulatory Requirements: Certain industries or regulations may mandate BCP implementation for specific departments or activities. Ensure your policy aligns with any relevant compliance obligations.

Here are some examples of departments and teams that might be included in your BCP:

  • IT and Operations: Responsible for maintaining infrastructure, data, and critical systems.
  • Finance and Accounting: Responsible for financial continuity, payroll, and managing financial resources.
  • Sales and Marketing: Responsible for maintaining customer relationships and minimizing revenue loss.
  • Human Resources: Responsible for employee safety, communication, and potential alternative work arrangements.
  • Legal and Compliance: Responsible for ensuring legal compliance during disruptions and managing potential risks.

Remember: This list is not exhaustive. The specific departments and teams you include will depend on your unique organizational structure and risk profile.

By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure your BCP effectively covers all critical areas and empowers the right teams to respond effectively to disruptions.

Defining Exclusions: Tailoring Your BCP Scope #

While a comprehensive BCP is ideal, it’s sometimes impractical or unnecessary to include every department or function within its scope. This question asks you to identify any specific departments, teams, or functions that might be excluded from your Business Continuity Policy (BCP).

Here are some key considerations when making this decision:

Resource Optimization: Including every department in your BCP might require significant resources for planning, training, and testing. Consider if certain departments have minimal impact on critical functions or face low disruption risks, making their inclusion less critical.

Risk Assessment: Base your exclusions on a thorough risk assessment. If a department’s disruption has minimal impact on overall business continuity, it might be excluded while still implementing department-specific contingency plans.

Regulatory Requirements: Certain industries or regulations might mandate BCP coverage for specific departments or functions. Ensure your exclusions don’t violate any compliance obligations.

Examples of Potential Exclusions:

  • Non-essential departments: Departments with minimal impact on core operations, like marketing or public relations, might be excluded. However, they may still benefit from basic disaster recovery plans.
  • Outsourced functions: If critical functions are outsourced, the BCP might focus on ensuring continuity through the service provider’s agreements, potentially excluding direct internal response plans for those functions.
  • Low-risk areas: Departments with very low disruption risks, like janitorial services, might be excluded but covered under more general contingency plans.

Important Reminders:

  • Justify exclusions: Clearly document the rationale behind each exclusion based on risk assessments and resource optimization needs.
  • Communicate effectively: Inform excluded departments about their responsibilities and limitations during disruptions.
  • Review regularly: As your organization evolves, revisit your exclusions to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

By carefully considering these factors, you can define exclusions that optimize your BCP’s scope and resource allocation while maintaining overall business resilience.

Identifying Your Critical Business Functions: Prioritizing Resilience #

This question delves into the heart of your Business Continuity Policy (BCP) – identifying the essential functions that keep your organization running during disruptions. Prioritizing these functions ensures they receive the necessary focus and resources in recovery efforts.

Here’s a framework to guide you in identifying your critical business functions:

1. Define “Critical”: What constitutes “critical” for your organization? Consider factors like:

  • Impact on Revenue: Functions directly linked to generating revenue or fulfilling customer orders are crucial.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Functions essential for meeting legal or industry regulations are non-negotiable.
  • Reputational Risk: Functions impacting your brand image or public trust need immediate attention.
  • Data Integrity: Functions responsible for protecting sensitive data and ensuring its availability are critical.

2. Conduct an Impact Analysis:

  • Assess the potential impact of disruptions on different functions. Use tools like risk assessments, scenario planning, and stakeholder interviews.
  • Quantify the impact where possible (e.g., downtime costs, lost sales, compliance fines).

3. Prioritize Based on Impact:

  • Rank functions based on their severity and urgency during disruptions. The functions with the highest negative impact should be prioritized for recovery.
  • Consider cascading effects: disruption in one function might impact others, so prioritize accordingly.

4. Align with Business Goals:

  • Ensure your prioritized functions directly support your overall business objectives and strategic priorities.

Examples of Critical Business Functions:

  • Processing customer orders and payments
  • Maintaining critical infrastructure and systems
  • Delivering essential services
  • Protecting confidential data
  • Ensuring employee safety and well-being


  • This is not an exhaustive list. Tailor it to your specific industry, business model, and risk profile.
  • Continuously review and update your critical functions as your business evolves.
  • Clearly communicate the list of critical functions and their priorities to all relevant stakeholders.

By identifying and prioritizing your critical business functions, you lay the foundation for an effective BCP that ensures your organization can weather any storm and emerge stronger.

Defining Leadership: Who Steers the Ship in Disruptions? #

This question focuses on identifying the key individual or team responsible for leading business continuity efforts in your organization. This role plays a critical part in ensuring your Business Continuity Policy (BCP) translates into effective action during disruptions.

Here’s a breakdown of different leadership models:

Centralized Approach:

  • Chief Risk Officer (CRO): Often takes the lead, leveraging their risk management expertise to oversee BCP development, implementation, and testing.
  • Business Continuity Manager (BCM): Dedicated role responsible for managing the BCP program, coordinating response and recovery efforts, and reporting to the CRO.

Decentralized Approach:

  • Department Heads: Each department head owns the BCP for their area, responsible for developing and implementing department-specific plans aligned with the overall policy.
  • Cross-functional Team: A team comprising representatives from various departments collaborates on BCP development, resource allocation, and response strategies.

Hybrid Approach:

  • Combines elements of both centralized and decentralized models.
  • CRO/BCM provides overall guidance and resources, while department heads manage department-specific plans and collaborate on cross-functional aspects.

Choosing the Right Model:

  • Organization size and complexity: Larger organizations with diverse departments might benefit from a centralized or hybrid approach. Smaller organizations might opt for a decentralized model.
  • Industry regulations: Certain industries might have specific leadership requirements for BCP compliance.
  • Available resources: Consider the resources available for dedicated BCP roles versus leveraging existing leadership structures.


  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Ensure everyone involved in BCP efforts understands their roles and reporting lines.
  • Communicate effectively: Regularly communicate the leadership structure and responsibilities to all stakeholders.
  • Provide training and support: Equip leadership with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively manage disruptions.

By carefully selecting and defining your leadership structure, you ensure clear direction, coordinated action, and efficient decision-making during business continuity incidents.

How often does your organization conduct business continuity tests and drills?

The ideal frequency for business continuity tests and drills depends on several factors specific to your organization. Here are some key points to consider when answering this question within your ISMS Policy Generator knowledge article:

General Recommendations:

  • Minimum: Conduct at least one comprehensive business continuity exercise per year, simulating a major disruption and involving key personnel from various departments.
  • Additional tests: Consider smaller, more targeted tests or drills throughout the year, focusing on specific functions, communication protocols, or recovery procedures.
  • Frequency based on risk: Organizations with higher risks or stricter regulations might need more frequent testing.

Tailoring the Answer:

  • Replace “your organization” with a placeholder: Use a neutral term like “organizations” or “businesses” to make the answer universally applicable.
  • Avoid specifics: Don’t mention Google or Bard in the answer, as it should be relevant to any organization using the ISMS Policy Generator.
  • Focus on user guidance: Provide clear and concise information to help users determine the appropriate testing frequency for their organization.

Example Answer:

The frequency of business continuity tests and drills varies depending on the specific needs of each organization. While some experts recommend at least one comprehensive exercise per year, the optimal frequency should consider several factors, including:

  • Industry standards and regulations: Certain industries have specific requirements for testing frequency.
  • Organizational complexity: Larger and more complex organizations may benefit from more frequent testing.
  • Risk profile: Organizations with higher inherent risks or stricter compliance requirements may need to test more often.
  • Resource constraints: Balance the need for testing with available resources and potential disruptions.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can determine the appropriate testing frequency to ensure your business continuity plan remains effective and your organization is prepared to respond effectively to unexpected disruptions.

Remember, this is just a starting point. You can further customize the answer to fit the specific tone and style of your knowledge articles.

What communication channels does your organization use to notify stakeholders during business continuity incidents? #

Effective communication during business continuity incidents is crucial for minimizing confusion, ensuring coordinated response, and maintaining stakeholder trust. This question asks you to identify the channels your organization will utilize to communicate with key stakeholders during disruptions.

Factors to Consider:

  • Stakeholder types: Identify different stakeholder groups you need to reach, such as employees, customers, investors, media, and regulatory bodies. Each group might have preferred communication channels.
  • Urgency and severity of the incident: Different communication channels might be suitable for different levels of urgency and severity. For example, text messages might be used for immediate alerts, while emails or website updates might be suitable for detailed information.
  • Accessibility and reliability: Choose channels that are accessible to all relevant stakeholders and are reliable even during disruptions. Consider backup options in case primary channels become unavailable.
  • Cultural considerations: Be mindful of cultural preferences and communication norms when selecting channels for international stakeholders.

Common Communication Channels:

  • Emergency notification systems: Use mass notification systems like email, SMS, or mobile apps to send immediate alerts about critical incidents.
  • Internal communication platforms: Utilize company intranets, collaboration tools, or internal messaging systems to share updates and instructions with employees.
  • Public website and social media: Keep stakeholders informed through website updates, press releases, and social media posts, tailoring messages to each platform’s audience.
  • Media relations: Establish clear communication protocols with media outlets to provide accurate and timely information during disruptions.
  • Dedicated hotlines: Set up dedicated hotlines for stakeholders to receive specific information or report issues.

Additional Tips:

  • Develop a communication plan: Define clear roles, responsibilities, and communication protocols for different scenarios.
  • Pre-register stakeholders: Collect contact information for different stakeholder groups to facilitate efficient communication.
  • Practice regular communication drills: Conduct drills to test your communication channels and ensure everyone knows how to use them.
  • Provide clear and consistent messaging: Deliver concise, factual, and consistent information across all channels.
  • Be transparent and empathetic: Acknowledge the situation, address concerns, and demonstrate empathy towards stakeholders.

By carefully considering these factors and selecting appropriate communication channels, you can ensure effective and timely information flow during business continuity incidents, minimizing disruption and promoting stakeholder confidence.

How often do you plan to review and update the business continuity policy? #

Maintaining a relevant and effective business continuity policy (BCP) requires regular review and updates. This question asks you to define a review and update schedule for your BCP, ensuring it adapts to your evolving needs and remains effective in the face of changing circumstances.

Here’s a framework to guide your response:

Minimum Review Frequency:

  • Industry best practices: Most experts recommend a minimum review frequency of once a year. This allows for annual assessments of your BCP’s effectiveness and alignment with current risks and business goals.
  • Regulatory requirements: Some industries have specific regulations mandating BCP review frequencies. Check any relevant requirements for your organization.

Trigger-based Reviews:

  • Significant changes: Review your BCP whenever there are major changes that impact your organization’s risk profile, business processes, technology infrastructure, or personnel. This could include:
    • Mergers and acquisitions
    • New product launches
    • Changes in technology infrastructure
    • Shifts in regulatory landscape
    • Key personnel changes
  • Near-misses or incidents: Use near-misses or actual incidents as learning opportunities to review your BCP’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • Testing results: Regularly evaluate the results of your BCP tests and drills to identify areas for improvement and update your policy accordingly.

Tailoring the Review Frequency:

  • Complexity and risk: Organizations with higher complexity or operating in high-risk environments might require more frequent reviews.
  • Resource constraints: Balance the need for regular reviews with available resources and potential disruptions to your operations.
  • Internal culture: Establish a culture of continuous improvement and proactive risk management to encourage regular BCP reviews.

Additional Tips:

  • Document your review process: Define clear procedures for conducting reviews, assigning responsibilities, and documenting findings and updates.
  • Involve stakeholders: Engage key stakeholders from different departments in the review process to ensure their perspectives are considered.
  • Communicate updates: Inform stakeholders about any changes made to the BCP and their implications.

Example Answer:

We recommend reviewing our business continuity policy at least once a year. Additionally, we will conduct trigger-based reviews following any significant changes to our organization, near-misses or incidents, or based on the results of our BCP testing program. By following this approach, we aim to ensure our BCP remains relevant, effective, and aligned with our evolving needs and risk profile.

Remember, this is just a starting point. You can further customize the answer to fit the specific tone and style of your knowledge articles, and consider adding information about your organization’s specific review process or frequency based on your industry or risk profile.

Defining Key Terms for Your Business Continuity Policy #

This question allows you to include specific terminology relevant to your organization’s business continuity (BCP) efforts within your policy. Defining these terms ensures everyone involved understands their meaning and promotes consistent communication during disruptions.

Here’s a guide to approaching this question:

Identify Relevant Terms:

  • Consider terms frequently used in your BCP documents, communication plans, or testing procedures.
  • Include terms specific to your industry or regulatory requirements.
  • Focus on terms that might cause confusion or misinterpretation if left undefined.

Provide Clear and Concise Definitions:

  • Define each term in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner.
  • Avoid using jargon or technical language unfamiliar to your audience.
  • Aim for definitions that are relevant to the context of your BCP.

Examples of Terms to Consider:

  • Business Continuity Management (BCM): The overall process of planning, implementing, testing, and maintaining capabilities to ensure business functions continue during disruptions.
  • Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD): The maximum amount of time a business function can be disrupted before it becomes unacceptable.
  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO): The point in time to which data must be recovered to minimize data loss.
  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO): The target time to restore critical business functions after a disruption.
  • Incident: Any event that disrupts normal business operations.
  • Crisis: A severe incident that requires immediate and coordinated response to minimize damage.
  • Disaster: A large-scale incident with widespread and significant consequences.
  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA): A process to assess the potential impact of disruptions on critical business functions.
  • Risk Assessment: Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities that could disrupt your business.

Additional Tips:

  • Organize your definitions alphabetically for easy reference.
  • Consider including a glossary section within your BCP document.
  • Update your definitions as necessary to reflect changes in your organization or industry terminology.

By defining key terms in your BCP, you contribute to clear communication, reduce confusion during disruptions, and ensure everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities in maintaining business continuity.

Referencing Guidelines, Standards, and Best Practices in Your Business Continuity Policy #

This question allows you to highlight the specific frameworks and methodologies your organization adheres to in crafting its Business Continuity Policy (BCP). Referencing these resources demonstrates your commitment to established best practices and enhances the credibility and effectiveness of your policy.

Here’s how to approach this question:

Identify Relevant References:

  • Consider industry-specific guidelines or regulations applicable to your BCP.
  • Reference internationally recognized standards such as ISO 22301:2019 for Business Continuity Management (BCM).
  • Include any national or regional standards or best practice frameworks relevant to your location.
  • Mention specific methodologies or tools used in your BCP development, like BIA or risk assessment frameworks.

Provide Concise and Credible Information:

  • Briefly mention the name and purpose of each reference.
  • Avoid overly technical explanations or jargon.
  • Provide links or references to where stakeholders can access further information about each resource.

Example References:

  • ISO 22301:2019: “This policy aligns with the principles and requirements outlined in ISO 22301:2019, the international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS).”
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF): “Our BCP incorporates elements from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to ensure our information systems are resilient to cyber threats.”
  • [Industry-specific regulation]: “This policy complies with the requirements of [regulation name], which mandates the implementation of effective business continuity measures for [industry].”

Additional Tips:

  • Prioritize references most relevant to your organization and BCP approach.
  • Ensure the references are credible and widely recognized within your industry or region.
  • Update your references as necessary to reflect changes in standards or best practices.

By highlighting relevant guidelines, standards, and best practices, you demonstrate your organization’s commitment to robust and effective business continuity planning. This enhances the credibility and effectiveness of your BCP, promoting confidence and buy-in from stakeholders.

Monitoring Compliance and Addressing Non-compliance in Your Business Continuity Policy #

This question delves into ensuring the effectiveness of your Business Continuity Policy (BCP) by addressing how you monitor adherence and potential consequences for non-compliance. Addressing these aspects fosters a culture of accountability and reinforces the importance of your BCP.

Here’s a framework to guide your response:

Monitoring Strategies:

  • Internal audits: Conduct regular internal audits to assess compliance with BCP procedures, testing results, and training participation.
  • Management reviews: Integrate BCP compliance into regular management reviews, allowing for high-level assessment and strategic adjustments.
  • Employee feedback: Encourage employees to report any concerns or deviations from the BCP through anonymous reporting channels or surveys.
  • Incident response evaluation: Analyze incident response efforts to identify areas where the BCP was followed or could be improved.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your BCP compliance practices against industry standards or other organizations to identify improvement opportunities.

Addressing Non-compliance:

  • Define a graduated approach: Establish a tiered system of consequences based on the severity and intent of non-compliance.
  • Focus on corrective action: Prioritize education, retraining, and corrective measures to address non-compliance and prevent recurrence.
  • Disciplinary actions: Reserve disciplinary actions for intentional or repeated violations that significantly impact BCP effectiveness or put the organization at risk.
  • Document everything: Maintain clear documentation of identified non-compliance incidents, corrective actions taken, and lessons learned.

Tailoring the Approach:

  • Organizational culture: Consider your organizational culture when defining consequences. A culture of learning and continuous improvement might prioritize coaching over punitive measures.
  • Risk profile: Organizations with higher inherent risks might require stricter compliance monitoring and consequences.
  • Resource constraints: Balance the level of monitoring with available resources and potential disruptions to your operations.

Additional Tips:

  • Clearly communicate the monitoring and compliance expectations to all stakeholders.
  • Regularly review and update your monitoring and consequence procedures as needed.
  • Promote a positive and proactive approach to BCP compliance by emphasizing its importance to business continuity and risk mitigation.

By implementing effective monitoring and addressing non-compliance in a balanced and constructive manner, you can foster a culture of accountability and ensure your BCP remains a living document that guides your organization towards successful resilience during disruptions.

What are your feelings
Updated on 25 February 2024